my partner Sami

Hi everyone! today I’m going to talk about mi puppy Sami. When the teacher said that the topic would be free, I couldn’t think of anything else than Sami, he is what I love the most in the world. He came into my life in a really sad moment, when I was 16 years old and my older sister left home, I felt very lonely at the time. At that moment, my mom decided that with a dog maybe I would feel accompanied, so one day without notice, my mom told me I had to go for Sami to my grandparents’s house. I fell in love with him from the first time I saw him and since then we are inseparable. 

For me, Sami it’s not my pet, I consider him my partner. We do practically everything together, we like to take naps, hugging, go for a walk everyday, play with his toys (and my socks), Sami accompanies me while I study and he doesn't go to sleep until I finish. Even in my worst moments, Sami stays with me while I cry, he even licks my tears and sometimes he cries too. Sometimes people laugh at me because they think that the love I feel for Sami is excessive, but I think that kind of love can only be understood by someone who also has experienced it. Definitely, my life would be very sad and boring without my Sami. 


  1. i remember when we were in zoom and sami was crying and he was looking at you like "come to bed now" hahaha it was very funny.

  2. What a story!! Wow you made me shed a couple of tears, I understand you perfectly because I know what a dog causes in a person. Very cute is Sami

  3. I hope your Sami is with you for many years <3

  4. Sami is so cute uwu, i have a cat and we do everything together too! pets are the best company

  5. How cute he is! he looks very friendly hahah :)


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