my future job
Since I entered Social Work, I have had many ideas in mind about what I would like to do in the future, but mainly I would like to work on issues related to people deprived of liberty and social reintegration, as well as childhood and adolescence . I imagine myself working in that field and in direct contact with people, although I know that I will also have to do research work, which is also important for Social Work. I would like to work in a Ministry and do public policy together with my friends haha I hope we work together on something :)! I would love to travel within Chile, travel from north to south knowing different realities. I would also like to travel outside the country, perhaps to do postgraduate studies in order to increase my knowledge and tools to intervene in society, but hey, for now everything is very uncertain and I don't want to get my hopes up haha. Regarding salary, I only hope to earn enough to be happy and fulfill my dreams, such as continuing to speciali...