Changes to my study programme :)

In the first place, I would like that the curriculum of the career included subjects that were more related to Chilean reality and not just social sciences in general, especially in the first year of university. Along the same line, I would like there to be more practical subjects, as well as subjects where students were taught about basic topics to level their knowledge. Regarding the academic load, I would like some teachers to be more empathetic and not to overload us with readings or, in some way, help us to understand them better through and with a greater disposition (obviously there are some teachers who do have a lot of patience and disponibility with students, but not all).

So far, I have nothing to say about the infrastructure due to the current context where we do not attend university, but from what I have seen I would like there to be more green areas on campus to be able to rest after classes and assessments. Regarding the use of technologies, perhaps it would be good if they could train teachers in a better way, especially those who are older. By doing this the learning process of students could also improve by using other types of platforms, not just zoom .

Finally, I would like the classes to be more didactic and pedagogical, keeping the classes from being a monologue of the teacher, where they talk for two hours about terms, authors and topics that the students do not understand.


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