blog 8: English language challendges

I like English very much and I think it should be given more importance in our professional training, I think there should be more hours of English in the curriculum. I think that this semester the learning was a little complex since I missed many classes, for me it is necessary to have the support of the teacher to be able to study English, therefore, it was a little difficult for me to study by myself. Regarding the blogs, I think it is a fun way to exercise, plus this way you can learn more about the life and tastes of my classmates and friends.

Regarding my English, I need to improve my pronunciation and also better manage the verb tenses (past simple, present simple, etc) because sometimes I get confused and I tend to mix them up. I think the best way to learn and practice is watching movies in English, reading in English and also through music. If I had more time I would also like to be able to take another course so I could dedicate more attention to it, or in winter or summer vacations dedicate some hours of the day to try to learn on my own.  

Outside of English classes at the university, I use a little English in my work (LUSH) since many products have English names, so I practice my pronunciation. I also use English when I listen to music, most of the music I listen to is in English and sometimes I like to read the lyrics and practice while singing 💗


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