Time travel to the future

Although I am curious to know what may happen in my life in the future, at the same time, it scares me a little. I am intrigued to know if I will be able to dedicate myself to what I like, if I will continue to have contact with my friends, to know how many more years my little dog Sami will be with me and many other things. Mainly, I would like to travel when I graduate from college, I want to know if I will be happy, if I will be able to overcome all the negative thoughts I have in my head to move forward and not stay stuck where I am. I want to see myself (hopefully) in my own apartment living with my dog Sami and being happy together, he is the most important thing in my life and I want him to be with me for many more years. What's more, if I could see the moment when he leaves this world, I would like to be able to hug him for a long time and give him lots of kisses.  I don't know if I would like to stay in the future forever, I would just like to observe how my life is and then come back to the present to try to do things differently and guide my life to where I want, I think staying in the future would make me miss the opportunity to live many things. Actually, I would also like to be able to travel to the past to fix many things and thus also affect my future, in fact, my favorite movie has a similar theme, it is called "About Time" and its protagonist can travel to the past just by clenching his fists. I wish I had been born with that gift. 


  1. what a good movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we should watch it together LOVE YOU FRIEND

  2. it´s a amazing and crazy don, very useful indeed.


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